Gut health issues are an important topic to revive anybody’s health. The gut is connected to brain health and the immune system. Most people think that acid reflux, bloating, colitis, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), constipation or diarrhea are the only symptoms of poor gut health. If you have brain fog, fatigue, difficulty losing weight, joint pain and inflammation, allergies, skin conditions like eczema, psoriasis or acne, these are some other indications that you have gut problems.
Most people have imbalances in the gut. If you’ve taken antibiotics at any time during your life, if you cook your food, eat processed foods, consume sugar, take medications especially that reduce acid in your stomach, consume coffee and not enough water, you have gut health issues.
Dr. Russell Brokstein discusses gut health issues and the course in correcting the problem. He also does a demonstration showing the effectiveness of our fermented, whole food, plant based digestive enzymes with stabilized probiotics :
Everybody, at every age, benefits by supplementing with a quality digestive supplement. If your gut isn’t digesting

your food, breaking it down from macronutrients to the micronutrients, you develop deficiencies. Our enzyme complex helps break down foods as you can see how it liquifies the pudding in just 1 minute.
Optimizing gut health has so many health benefits. It is one of the top recommendations to take back your health in my book: The Next Health Revolution – A Natural Path to Revive Your Health and Maximize Your Wellness. In my 23 years in practice, I have never seen one close to the fermented, whole food, plant based digestive enzymes with stabilized probiotics I use and recommend to patients the last 2 years. If you would like to improve your health, you can order by clicking here: Prevail Relief.