Radicular Pain occurs when there is pinching or pressure on spinal nerves. This radiating pain can feel like tingling, numbness or pins and needles where there is pressure on the nerve or further from the source. You might be diagnosed with sciatica, carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS), bulging or herniated discs or something called double crush

sydrome. It is important to find the cause of the symptoms to be properly treated.
Every day wear and tear as well as traumas can cause your spine to misalign. These misalignments are called subluxations that can affect the nerves. Injury to the ligaments and muscles cause inflammation which also disrupt the nerve functions. The more the joints are misaligned it puts pressure on the discs. This pressure can cause the discs to bulge or herniate which further irritate the nerves. The joints will degenerate and calcify the longer they are subluxated. Calcification results in spinal stenosis and narrowing of the nerve canal.
While subluxations of the spine can affect the nerves, you can also have misalignments of the shoulder, elbow, wrist, hip, knee and foot. It’s possible to have the subluxation of the spine along with these misalignments along the extremities. When you have pressure on a nerve in 2 locations it is called a double crush injury.
Most medical treatments just mask the symptoms. These treatments such as pain relievers, muscle relaxers, steroid injections and surgeries have many risks and side effects. You might get temporary relief of the symptoms but it gives you false sense of security. While not feeling the pain you might cause more damage doing activities that further stress the area. The joints which are still misaligned will have compromised motion and putting pressure on the discs leading to further degeneration of the joint complex.
It is important to find the cause of the radiating pain to correct it. Chiropractors find the source of the pinched nerve so we can relieve the pressure causing radicular pain. The nerve can heal when the chiropractic adjustment removes pressure from the nerve. Chiropractic reduces the irritation and inflammation that causes radicular pain.
One study had 85.5% of 162 patients in a hospital setting resolve the radicular pain with chiropractic care. Only 10 cases needed further treatment with epidural injections, another 10 for further medical treatment and 3 for surgical intervention. This shows many people can avoid medical intervention and surgery.
Another study of 44 patients in an orthopedic department were suffering with sudden, severe low back pain. All but 2 patients returned to work. Significant is the fact that sick leave was reduced by 2/3 compared to conventional medical treatment.
These and other studies help confirm chiropractic as a natural, effective treatment for radicular pain. Our chiropractor in Freehold has been helping patients for the last 18 years. Give us a call at 732-780-0044