Are you suffering with sciatica pain? Sciatica is pain that goes down your leg. You might feel it starting from the lower back. It can travel by the hip, into the thigh and all the way down the foot. It can present as pain, burning and even numbness and tingling.

The cause of the sciatica pain can be from the vertebra of the lumbar spine or pelvic region misaligned putting pressure on the nerve. You can also have bulging or degenerating discs putting pressure on the nerves. A highly overlooked cause is the piriformis muscle impinging the nerve.
The pain can be extremely uncomfortable leading patients to contact their doctors. The medical doctors prescribe a myriad of drugs from pain relievers, muscle relaxers or anti-inflammatories. BUT… it’s important that you know that studies show drugs are ineffective in treatment of sciatica pain.
The British Medical Journal article: Drugs for relief of pain in patients with sciatica: systematic review and meta-analysis reviews 23 previous studies on medical treatment of sciatica. Researches conclude that none of the drugs in the study (NSAIDS, corticosteroids, antidepressants or opiods) were any more effective than a placebo in relieving sciatica pain.
These drugs aren’t only ineffective in treating sciatica but also have severe side effects. It is therefore recommended to avoid medication and seek treatment that addresses the actual cause of the sciatic pain. Chiropractic is a natural, gentle, effective treatment that corrects the cause of sciatic pain. Our Freehold Chiropractor, Dr. Russell Brokstein, uses a combination of adjustments along with therapeutic stretching to remove pressure from the nerve. Watch the video below of one of our patients tell her story how she finally got the relief of her pain after failed attempts with medications.
Our treatments remove the cause rather than masking symptoms. This eliminates the risks you take with drugs. If you suffer with sciatica pain and live in central NJ Click Here! You will finally start to feel better and enjoy life once again.