These are tips you must know before wasting more money on supplements, vitamins, minerals or enzymes. You want to make sure you are buying quality supplements that provide the benefits listed! Many of you are wasting money on supplements that are more likely damaging your health rather than improving it.
In this short health tip of the week video, I discuss what you must know before buying another vitamin, mineral, enzyme or CBD oil supplement
I had a patient that was suffering with fibromyalgia, colitis and infertility. I kept warning her about her multivitamin but she kept saying, “It’s a lot cheaper than your supplements.”
Those cheap, toxic vitamins caused her health problems for 10 years and difficulty getting pregnant for 5 years. After a fall on ice, she got x-rays that showed multiple supplement pills stuck in her intestines. You get what you pay for and you cannot put a price on your health. I find it crazy, most people consume so much garbage without questioning the cost but when it comes to health they cut costs.

Before recommending any product, I try it myself. I practice what a preach. The current line of products I work with were recommended by a colleague of mine in Arizona. Dr. Tim practices functional medicine which is a natural practice of plant based, natural supplements to help correct a patient’s imbalances. His friends have been formulating products for the last 20 years. I started using these for myself and couldn’t believe the difference from what I have previously used. I then put my mother on some of them and we saw changes. I then started recommending them to patients and we have seen amazing improvements in health over the last 2 years.
If you would like world class, quality supplements and to find out about our line of whole food, plant based formulas, contact me. I have seen nothing like these fermented digestive enzymes, Proteolytic enzymes, multivitamins, Emulin for carbohydrate management, adrenal support and the only 100% whole flower, full spectrum, CBD FLUID (not oil which can damage your liver).
Or you could go to our website by clicking here: quality plant based supplements.