As we roll into this evening’s Super Bowl I read a couple great messages from colleagues. I reflect on the NFL’s GOAT, Tom Brady:
First, Dr. Margolies wrote an amazing email and I wanted to share his message:
“Today is Super Bowl Sunday and Tom Brady, the 43 year old quarterback for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers will prove that age is as limited as your mind. He is the oldest quarterback to play in the Super Bowl. Today is his 10th Super Bowl. He’s been in 18% of every Super Bowl! He has already won 6 of the previous 9 he has been in.
Many NFL fans disliked him continually winning with his former team New England Patriots. After last season he

made a move to Tampa Bay and he took with him his winning attitude, work ethic and leadership navigating Tampa, a team that last played in the Super Bowl back in 2003, to the Super Bowl this Sunday after beating three strong competitive teams with their superstar quarterbacks to get to the party.
We are a product of choices and Brady never looks back just ahead. He takes care of his body and mind with a special diet and physical and mental regime. Granted he has a personal chef and can afford whatever he needs to succeed but many like him never reach their goals as he has. Message to take away, don’t let age get the better of you, strive to keep your mind and body sharp and win your own Super Bowl.”
Another colleague, Dr. Jeff Roistacher writes, “If you don’t respect the greatest of this man than you are simply a hater. His entire day revolves around his fitness, preparation and family. It’s not an accident on why his body continues to function for him.
How would your body function if you put even 10% of the effort he does?
Think about this.. 92% of the cause of Cancer, Diabetes and Heart disease are your diet and lifestyle!! It’s not your genetics or bad luck.
I don’t understand why YOU don’t take your health seriously BEFORE you become sick. Do you think the MD’s will save you by giving you meds to mask your horrendous lifestyle?”
I have been in practice over 22 years and will be 50 this year. I value and make my health a priority. Around 10 years ago I had a patient come in who was 25 years old and he said, where’s the doctor? I responded by saying, “right in front of you” and introduced myself. He says, “What? Did you start when you were 14?” I asked, “What do you mean?” and he then says, “You can’t be much older than me.” When I told him I was turning 40, he asks me, “What’s your secret?”
I told the patient that I work out 4 days per week, do my daily spinal hygiene stretching, take my multi vitamin with omegas, antioxidants, minerals and telomere support, get adjusted 1 to 2 times per month and do a 11 day nutritional cleanse program 4 times a year. When I told him this, he says, “THAT’S NO WAY TO LIVE!”
Really? I was holding in my laugh and responded, “well that’s why you feel and look like that at 25 and I look like this at 40.”
Turn the clocks forward 10 years, he returned to the practice after 9 years being away and when he sees me, he says, “Wow, you don’t look a day older than you did last time I saw you.” I said, “I am still living the same healthy lifestyle I always have.” He just laughed and continued on with the visit.
We all have a choice. If you are sick and tired of looking and feeling sick and tired, then it’s time for a change. It’s time to make your health a priority! Health is a responsibility. Are you ready? If not now, then when?
My goal is to help as many people as possible to make this shift in lifestyle and turn health around. You know what the definition of insanity is? Doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results.
I have programs and systems for anybody to follow, but you have to want it! Feel free to message me or discuss further on your next visit.
The project is almost complete: The Next Health Revolution – A Natural Path to Revive Your Health and Maximize Wellness
I cannot wait to share it with you and all who are ready to be healthy to enjoy all life has to offer.
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It’s important to keep up with and share as so many of your friends, family and colleagues could benefit.
Enjoy the game this evening and be safe in the snow!
I look forward to seeing you soon!
To Your Health and Wellness
Dr. Russell and Jen
Hometown Family Wellness Center Where Health is a Lifestyle