One of the most important topics I discuss with people who want to improve their health is vitamins and supplements. Unfortunately, most people are wasting money on vitamins. At least 90% of vitamins and supplements on the market are synthetic and toxic. I put together this brief video that everybody needs to watch before wasting any more money on supplements. You can actually be doing more harm to your body than improving health and I share a story about a patient who was ill for many years and it turned out to be her vitamins:

Now, don’t get me wrong, I feel it’s important to supplement with vitamins and minerals. Our foods are deprived of the nutrients the body needs. People are suffering with many vitamin deficiencies which lead to a multitude of health conditions. Some studies out of UCLA showed that you would have to eat 10 apples today to get the equivalent of 1 apple from the 1950’s and you would have to eat nearly 50 bowls of spinach to get the equivalent of 1 bowl of spinach in the 50’s.
Several years ago, I started working with a colleague who has formulated the best supplements I have ever used or recommended. These are 100% whole food, plant based and organic. It’s important to invest in your health and make it a priority. You can go to my website, find out more about the basic supplements and a link to our complete line to order: Supplements Freehold
Make sure you are buying whole food, plant-based supplements to get the full benefits so you aren’t wasting money on vitamins. that could be leading to illness. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions on these products.