Many people come to a chiropractor for neck pain, back pain, headaches and other symptoms. But did you

know chiropractic is about a lot more than symptom relief? it’s about the Bigness Within You! Freeing up that bigness is the start to optimizing your body, health, wellness and function.
To find out more, reach this amazing article: Bigness Within You – Your Great Innate Intelligence
Do you know the importance of your neck? Well, read: How Well Do You Know Your Neck?
2 Healthy Recipes
Dreamy Broccoli Soup
Breakfast Bowl of Champions
Tip of the day. When your Vit. D levels are still low despite the fact you take it daily, one of the main reasons you are deficient on Magnesium while your blood work comes back “normal”. Another reason is the Vit D you are taking is most likely synthetic making it difficult to absorb and also toxic to your body.
Do you have hypertension? Here’s another health tip:

Natural Health Supplement Formula of the week:
Lion’s mane mushrooms are used as a natural medicine for many years in Asian countries.
Multiple studies show that they can help a variety of brain issues, energy, focus and more.*

Our Lion’s Mane Liquid Extract is fast absorbing and water-soluble.
Our extraction process means the product keeps essential compounds that are usually lost with most extraction processes, while being in an easy to use liquid form.
This is the same extraction process as our whole flower CBD fluid, leaving all of the components of the plant intact.
To get your Lion’s Mane Extract or any of our other whole food, plant based supplements to to
Make sure to tap into the Bigness within You! Give your health and body the chance to be optimal.