Hometown Family Wellness Center

Chiropractor in Freehold NJ is helping fibromyalgia sufferers have less pain, more energy, and enjoy life!

Suffering from Fibromyalgia is not your fault and it’s NOT in your head.  Clinical studies have shown that the majority of fibromyalgia sufferers started having symptoms after a traumatic event like a car accident, work in jury or a fall.

If you suffer with fibromyalgia or chronic fatigue, you know how demanding life can be.  You probably experience aches all over your body, disturbed sleep, tender points in the neck and shoulders, recurring headaches, fatigue and stiffness, and or restless leg syndrome.

A patient with fibromyalgia explained it like this…

“For people who take good health for granted, it’s hard to imagine a condition that makes simple tasks great tests of will and determination.”

Fibromyalgia is a real disease with real pain.

Many medical doctors don’t even think fibromyalgia is a real disease, but you know it is. You feel it every day — from the minute you wake up in the morning, all your  normal daily tasks like cleaning the house, doing laundry, even cooking dinner takes a lot out of you.

Mark Pelligrino, MD (author of The Fibromyalgia Survivor), found that 2/3 of 2,000 fibromyalgia patient files showed patients started experiencing their symptoms after traumatic events like a car accident, work injury, or a fall.

Another study published in the 1997 issue of Arthritis And Rheumatism, said fibromyalgia is 13 times more likely to occur following neck injury than following a leg injury.

Prescription drugs are at best  “masking tape” that covers up the daily warning signs of a painful disease.

Pain pills, even over-the-counter medications, don’t fix the cause of your problem. They may be necessary for a momentary crisis, but using them long term is no way to live. Many of these pain medications are quite addicting and have very real side effects.

One medication, Lyrica, was originally used to treat seizures.  It basically reduces the pain by “killing” the nerves.  Well, nerves are only 10% for sensation, the remaining 90% is for your body to function properly.  I’ve had patients who were put on this drug and said it helped reduce the pain, but they were so sedated, that they couldn’t perform their daily activities.

The other medication, Cymbalta, was originally approved for depression, anxiety and diabetic neuropathy.  One risk is increase of suicidal behavior and noted increase depression with Fibromyalgia sufferers who take this drug. (previous info received from the FDA website).

Have you been everywhere, tried everything, and are still suffering?

Fibromyalgia is often called the invisible disease. You look fine on the surface, but underneath you’re often exhausted and in excruciating pain.

My name is Dr. Russell Brokstein, DC, owner of Hometown Family Wellness Center located in downtown Freehold, NJ in Monmouth County. Over the past 13 years I’ve used gentle treatments to help so many fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue patients feel better and live healthier, more joyful lives. 

By taking a different approach, we naturally get to the cause of fibromyalgia.  We do not cover up the symptoms with medications, that at most mask the symptoms.  Our goal is to get you feeling better to enjoy your normal daily activities, family and social life once again.

In our Freehold, NJ office we analyze 4 areas known to be out of balance with patients suffering with fibromyalgia.  We test the nervous system with advanced computerized technology.  Then we check the adrenal glands, also called the stress glands.  These glands help regulate the major hormones of the body, but if not functioning well, you will not adapt to stress well and experience many symptoms.  Next we analyze the toxicity or pH levels of the body.  Finally, we are one of only 4 doctors in NJ that have advanced biofeedback that tests for internal and external stressors that are scientifically proven to contribute to many symptoms including Fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, and restless leg syndrome.

Finally, A Proven Solution

 For Fibromyalgia Pain

Numerous studies have shown the benefits of chiropractic care in fibromyalgia patients:

Dr. Frederick Wolfe, a well-known investigator of fibromyalgia and clinical professor at the University of Kansas School of Medicine, ran a study on fibromyalgia.

He asked patients to indicate drug or alternative treatments that best relieved their pain.

Dr. Wolfe found that changes in lifestyle worked better than drugs and stated “Chiropractic treatment also scored among the most effective measures.”

Another study examined the effectiveness of chiropractic in relieving fibromyalgia symptoms.

After just a few chiropractic treatments, fibromyalgia patients suffered from less pain and fatigue, and actually enjoyed better sleep.(JMPT 2000)

And best of all, there will be…

No Harmful Drugs, No Uncertain Procedures, And No Intimidation.

I look forward to helping you get rid of your pain so you can start living a healthier, more joyful life.  Imagine how great you could feel without your constant fatigue and nagging pains. Imagine waking up each morning, jumping out of bed, and enjoying the day…no more waking up and feeling like you got hit by a truck.

Imagine not having to take handfuls of pain pills that haven’t helped much and have dangerous side effects.

What would it feel like to finally have hope again?

If you suffer from fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue and or restless leg syndrome, there is hope!  Regain your life back, like the many other patients we have helped in Freehold, Marlboro, Morganville, Jackson, Howell, Colts Neck and Manalapan, NJ.

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