Hometown Family Wellness Center

4 Simple Shoulder Stretches Help Reduce Shoulder Pain

We have 4 simple shoulder stretches we show our patients and we are going to share them with you!  Too many people experience shoulder pain.

4 Simple Shoulder Stretches
Dr. Brokstein Shows Simple Stretching for the Shoulders

First… how did you even hurt the shoulder?  Think about this: How many times do you wake up with pain in your shoulder?  Are you sitting long hours at a desk?  Do you work on a computer?  Do you go to the gym and lift weights?  Do you carry a pocket book or briefcase on your shoulder?  Do you play sports like baseball, golf, tennis or others that are one sided putting repetitive stress into the shoulder?  Did you have an accident?  Have you ever thought of when you were a child learning how to walk and you fell hundreds of times landing on your arm or shoulder?  There are so many ways we put stress into our shoulder joints and over the years the stress builds up.

It’s always important to get the shoulder examined to find the actual cause.  We want to make sure there isn’t severe damage to the tissues like a labral tear or rotator cuff tear.  Many times we can work on the area to improve the motion and get the tissues to heal.  These 4 simple stretches can help decrease shoulder pain and improve range of motion. They are also great to help prevent and maintain the shoulders.  Watch our short video and try them out yourself:

Try doing these simple shoulder stretches at least once a day, holding each one for 15 seconds each.  You should see a gradual improvement in the reduction of pain and increase in range of motion.  Remember if your shoulder hurts while doing these, STOP!  Give us a call or go to your doctor to get the shoulder checked out.

In our Freehold chiropractic office we perform a thorough evaluation.  Then we work on improving joint function, breaking up scar tissue, improve soft tissue flexibility and strength.  Our goal is to improve overall function and health naturally.

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