What is your health worth? So many times we hear people say they don’t have the money for care, vitamins, eating healthy but every day those same people are going out buying things that destroy their health or aren’t needed: coffee, cigarettes, soda, candy, processed foods, cosmetics, the newest technology, etc.

People also complain they don’t have the time for their health: exercise, stretching, treatment. Yet most will find time to watch 3 hours of tv per day, spending 2 hours at a beauty parlor or nail salon, etc.
Investing in your health should be a priority. Without your health, it is hard to live a long life and enjoy it all. Getting healthy isn’t a quick fix.
Most patients come into our office because they are in pain. To get better, one has to follow a proper treatment plan. The body also needs optimal nutrition, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and omegas for the tissues to heal. Proper spinal hygiene exercises need to be done to expedite recovery but also prevent future problems. It’s like brushing teeth: you don’t just brush your teeth to get better or until the dentist says your teeth look great, you keep brushing to help prevent teeth from decaying.
I just recently had a person respond to a post on facebook asking about our multi vitamin, then said it was too much money. I created a video discussing this topic:
So, what is your health worth? Is it worth the investment so you can finally feel better, get off the medications, avoid surgery, stay healthy and enjoy life once again? Shorting yourself on nutrition, corrective and preventative chiropractic care, exercise and stretching will slow down your recovery and cause deterioration of health. It’s usually as simple as reallocating money you spend on things that destroy your health into things that make you more healthy!