Hometown Family Wellness Center

The Straw that Broke Your Back or Neck

So many times patients come to our office suffering with pain:  neck pain, back pain, headaches, shoulder pain, knee pain, sciatica or other symptoms but they don’t know what was the cause.  What you have to understand is that many times there is no one thing or accident that caused the problems, it’s the accumulative effects from the time you were born.  As I always say, it’s the straw that broke your back or neck!

I recently did a video in our office to discuss this and explain to you all the different traumas that you are putting into your body every single day.  These micro traumas occur from the time you are born to the current day.  Click below to watch the video and learn what you, your children and your friends should know:

So, next time you feel pain, remember all the different stresses you put into your body on a daily basis.  It’s usually the straw that broke your back or neck!  It’s important to take care of your body.  Chiropractic helps reduce the cause of the pain before it happens.  “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” Benjamin Franklin!

Many times the problem is building up over time and you are asymptomatic.  This means you don’t have pain yet.  By seeing a chiropractor for maintenance, it helps prevent the problem from getting to the point of pain.  We can find the imbalances in the spine, adjust them and help prevent you from getting to the point of pain again.  Take a more active approach to your body and health.  Just like your teeth, you don’t wait to start brushing your teeth or going to a dentist when you have pain or cavities.  We show our patients spinal hygiene with corrective adjustments and home stretching similar to dental hygiene to prevent cavities, gum disease and other problems.

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