Do you experience hip problems? Did you previously have low back pain? Did you ignore the pain and noticed a history of coming and going? When you have back pain you start to compensate and it can put unnecessary stress on the joints of the hips, knees and feet. It can also be the reverse where untreated ankle, foot, knee and hip problems can cause low back pain.
A study in the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics (JMPT): The Association Between Low Back Pain and Osteoarthritis of the Hip and Knee: A Population-Based Cohort Study is to determine if there is a

connection with patients reporting low back pain and future hip problems, specifically osteoarthritis of the hips and knees. 983 residents of Ontario over the age of 55 were studied and found a strong association of low back pain and hip problems but not knee osteoarthritis.
The study concluded that low back pain predicted subsequent OA-related pain and disability in those with hip disease.
This gives more reason not to neglect your low back pain. If you ignore the pain you can develop hip problems in the future like osteoarthritis. It is important to take care of your back if you have low back pain. Just treating the symptoms might mask the problems temporarily but lead to more severe back pain and osteoarthritis later in life. Your body will compensate and lead to unnecessary wear and tear.
Conservative chiropractic care addresses the cause of the back pain. When a chiropractor finds the imbalances leading to the back pain, gentle chiropractic adjustments correct the misalignments. This helps improve the biomechanics to prevent spinal degeneration and hip problems.
As a leading Freehold chiropractor, we find it’s important to take an overall health and wellness approach to maintain your body so you can enjoy an active lifestyle. Incorporating chiropractic along with exercise, stretching and optimal nutrition leads to a more healthy body. If you suffer with low back pain and hip problems, give our office a call.