Toxic multi-vitamins are common amongst the common brands most of you buy. When you know what’s in these supplements, tell me that ingredients, education, and sourcing is NOT important!
This is why YOU should always ASK, “What’s in It?” and NOT just buy whatever from wherever! Your body is a temple and you should treat it as such. You can replace your car, you can replace your tires, heck you can replace your house too, but you can NOT replace you! There is only one YOU and you should be putting ONLY

the very best in it! Stop using toxic multi-vitamins!
Just because it’s on the shelf in the vitamin aisle doesn’t mean it is good for you. That is why I use what I use and I share it and educate people along the way!
Most vitamins and supplements use tricky names like Nature’s Bounty to make you think it’s healthy or natural. Even if your supplements say organic, a New York Conumer’s Report noted 90% of them don’t even contain what the label says is in them.
All the supplements I take and make available to you are whole food, plant based. This is what the body recognizes. Not synthetic, chemical sources most brands contain. Just look at the label on your vitamins and if it says Ascorbic Acid for Vit C and doesn’t say source from a whole food like acerola cherries, then it is most likely a cheap, synthetic made from High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) and Hydrochloric Acid…. EXTREMELY TOXIC! And don’t be tricked by brands that say their Vit C is sourced from organic corn. It’s still likely in the form of HFCS!
A brief story of a patient many years ago: She suffered for a decade with what the medical doctors called colitis and Fibromyalgia. She and her husband were also trying to have children but even with fertility treatments weren’t successful. One day we discussed vitamins and she told me she takes Centrum. I explained just as above about how toxic they are. Her response, “I’ve been taking them since a kid and never had a problem.” Well after not seeing her a while, she slipped on ice and before coming in I requested she get Xrays. The report came back showing multiple supplements stuck in her intestines. After showing her the Xrays, she finally stopped taking Centrum. Within 2 months, all her symptoms of colitis and Fibromyalgia were gone and 6 months later she emailed me that she was pregnant.
Before you buy more toxic multi-vitamins like Centrum, One A Day, GNC Brand, or other supplements at your grocery stores, stop wasting your money on products that are synthetic and toxic leading to health issues.
Your health deserves the investment of proper vitamins, minerals, enzymes and antioxidants. If you are looking to optimize your health and get the best sources supplements, talk to me or check out my website. My colleagues and friends have been formulating these whole food, plant based supplements for over 20 years. They are the best I have ever used myself and recommended to my patients. I also am looking at simple testing to show you how your gut and overall health is doing. This is exciting as it can help everybody take the step to revitalize your health and optimize wellness.