Millions of women are affected annually by imbalances of hormones and the situation keeps getting worse. There are many estrogen type chemicals that impact women more than men. Some of these include plastics, household cleaners and environmental toxins. Women normally experience hormonal changes as they get older but are experiencing imbalances earlier in life due to these chemicals. The changes that occur can be very stressful on the body. Some symptoms that can occur: depression and anxiety, digestive problems, hair loss, sleep problems, excessive sweating, food cravings, fatigue, loss of muscle mass, weight gain, low libido, PMS, and menopause. It’s important to balance hormones naturally.
The effects women are experiencing have caused them to seek medical help. Unfortunately like everything else the doctors take drastic measures. Women experiencing symptoms from hormonal imbalance are being treated with Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT). Doctors that prescribe HRT state the benefits outweigh the risks. Current research proves the opposite showing it is much more hazardous than doctors are stating. One particular Hormone Replacement Therapy study of over 1 million women showed fatal breast cancer drastically increased with this form of treatment.
Knowing how harmful treatments like HRT can be, it’s time you know there are natural ways to help balance

hormones. I recommend Six Steps in Achieving Hormonal Balance. These include reduction of pain and inflammation, reduce toxic substances, nutritional cleansing, correcting adrenal dysfunction, optimal supplementation, and stress reduction techniques.
- Pain and Inflammation can impact your adrenal glands. These glands help balance your adrenaline, norepenephrine, cortisol and DHEA. The adrenal glands are also called the stress glands. They help balance the stress incurred on the body. By reducing pain and inflammation it takes the impact off these glands. Also, Chiropractic removes the cause of pain and inflammation. Even better is that chiropractic doesn’t involve toxic medications.
- Reduce toxicity in the body. A toxic body has a low pH level which is acidic. The body is unhealthy when it is acidic. Studies show that cancer, viruses and many harmful bacteria thrive in an acidic environment. First you should avoid fast food and processed items. Next, you should eliminate refined vegetable oils, refined sugars and harmful additives that are in many foods. Many household cleaners and plastic food containers contain estrogen like substances so they should be removed from your house. These small changes can make a huge difference in your health.
- A build up of chemicals and toxins has occurred over time. I recommend my patients to complete a nutritional cleanse program. This involves different supplements that help remove the toxins while putting optimal nutrition into the body to help it heal naturally. After our nutritional cleanse, most people already start to feel better with improved energy, better sleep, improved mental clarity and further reduction in pain.
- Reduction of stress is another important step to balance hormones naturally. Chronic stress causes the adrenal glands to produce excessive cortisol. This causes a suppression of production of estrogen. Meditation, exercise, breathing activities are some calming activities. Getting proper amount of sleep between 7 and 9 hours helps to reduce stress. In our Freehold chiropractic office we also use biofeedback stress reduction therapy. This helps find sensitivities that stress your entire body, including organs and cells. We are one of only 4 offices in all of NJ that utilize this form of therapy.
- Nutrition is a key component to balance hormones naturally. It’s important to eat bright colored vegetables and dark leafy greens. Eat fish, chicken, fruits, nuts, seeds, whole grain rice and quinoa. Many of these foods have the precursor nutrients the body needs to make hormones on its own. Make sure the fish and chicken are organic so they are not injected with hormones, steroids and antibiotics. Yams, peas, cucumbers, papaya as well as other fruit and vegetables have micro-nutrients that help the body to synthesize hormones. Providing the body with healthy nutrition aides the body in correcting hormonal imbalances without the use of harmful synthetic drugs and replacement therapies. Avoid simple starches, refined foods and sugars as well as caffeine (coffee, sodas and energy drinks) as these destroy your adrenal glands. Soy is another substance to avoid as it’s known to cause hormonal imbalances and increase in cancer.
- Supplementation can additionally help in balance hormones naturally. A combination of herbs and vitamins are important to bring the body to balance. We use Ragland’s test to check to see if your adrenal glands are functioning normally. If they are insufficient the body’s hormones will be out of balance. If you test positive for adrenal dysfunction we recommend an adrenal and stress support supplement that helps get the gland to function normally.
When our patients follow these 6 steps they receive extraordinary results. The symptoms you experience with imbalanced hormones is not normal. You will be pleasantly surprised how you feel when you balance hormones naturally. You deserve to be healthy and enjoy life without the harmful effects of treatments like HRT.