If you suffer with back pain or neck pain it is very important to get a thorough evaluation to correlate with MRI findings to diagnose a disc problem. Many times orthopedic doctors, pain management doctors and other specialists will send a patient for an MRI and diagnose a disc problem. Unfortunately this leads many times to patients getting improper treatment, low outcomes and unnecessary surgery.
Watch our top rated Chiropractor in Freehold NJ discuss why a complete thorough evaluation is so important to be performed to correlate with the MRI results.
Even if you are correctly diagnosed with a bulging disc or herniated disc it is important to get proper treatment. Cortisone shots and epidurals just mask your symptoms and can lead to worsening pain once the shot wears off.

Imagine your dentist giving you Novocain for a pain cavity but not fixing the cavity. Once that Novocain wears off, your cavity will be worse. Your joints and discs decay just like a tooth with a cavity. Plus, even if the epidural provides you relief, you then won’t notice when you are doing activity the extra damage you are causing.
Surgery should be a last resort. Studies show that spinal surgery has under a 50% success rate! A success is considering giving a patient 1 to 5 years relief. Surgery puts additional stress to the areas above and below the surgical area. This causes those areas to weaken and cause further problems that the surgeon then recommends more surgery for.
Chiropractic gets to the cause of your problem. On your first visit, we perform a thorough evaluation checking for proper range of motion of the joints, orthopedic evaluation to stress the integrity of the area to determine the cause of the problem and in our office we also test muscle strength and extremities to create a treatment protocol. A combination of chiropractic adjustments, therapeutic stretching, extremity adjusting and core stabilization exercises are done to provide results where other provides have failed. Other recommendations such as nutrition, supplements, foot orthotics, home exercise and drinking more water also help further expedite recovery.