Americans are overweight and growing. At least 80% are overweight and 40% are obese. Sadly these numbers are going to increase after the pandemic of Covid19. Traditional dieting doesn’t work and hasn’t for decades because it lacks the strategy to lose weight. I want to reveal the secret to weight loss and how you can optimize your health.
Over 10 years ago I found out about a full body nutritional cleansing system that works at the cellular level. I incorporated it into my lifestyle then introduced it to my patients. One of the leading researchers in this area is Peter Greenlaw. He is a best selling author, researcher, speaker and health expert has written 4 books and done over 1500 speaking engagements around the world. He will discuss the problem of TDOS syndrome and the solution of the secret to weight loss.
Watch Peter discuss TDOS syndrome and what you need to know to not only lose weight once and for all but more importantly how to attain, maintain and sustain vibrant health! You will be inspired by the information that Peter shares! This information can literally save your life so make sure to watch:
It’s time people make their health a priority. That starts with losing weight. Being overweight is the leading contributor to most diseases including: heart disease, stroke, diabetes, cancer and so much more.

Traditional diets because they don’t address the toxins. By addressing the toxicity that Peter mentions, we help people successfully lose weight.
If you would like the secret to weight loss, our programs have results that no others can match because we address what Peter discussed in the above video. Our system helps with TDOS, nutrition, cleansing toxins, amino acid absorption so you can lose the weight, increase lean muscle, reduce inflammation and optimize your health.
For more information, you can email me at or go to our website: You no longer have to be sick and tired of being sick and tired. Let us help you reach your weight loss and health goals.