The Consumer Product Safety Commission estimated that “3,300 children aged 5 to 14 were treated in emergency rooms for injuries related to book bags”. Dr. Russell Brokstein, DC discusses how to prevent your child/children from injuring their spines with their backpacks. Repetitive postural strains your child experiences today can have a dramatic effect on the health of their spine for many years to come. Early arthritis, disc degeneration, as well as pain and dysfunction can come as a result of what your kids do now.
Freehold Chiropractor Discusses Health Risks & Dangers Verse Safety of Chiropractic
Dr. Russell Brokstein of Hometown Family Wellness Center in Freehold NJ answers a lot of questions from residents in his town and neighboring towns of Marlboro, Manalapan, Howell, Jackson and Colts Neck, NJ about the risks and safety of Chiropractic care. It seems to be a huge question brought up time and time again and has been on the news a lot lately. Everyone knows that insurance companies are NOT in the business of losing money. So, if chiropractic was dangerous, costly, or risky in any way whatsoever, do you think I would be paying around $1500 a YEAR for the best coverage you can get? Chiropractic malpractice insurance is less than most people pay for auto insurance. If only everyone knew how incredibly safe and effective chiropractic care is – they would understand why chiropractors pay the least amount of ALL primary care doctors.
? According to Marcel J. Hernandez, ND, who directs the wellness program at American Western insurers are discovering that offering an alternative health insurance program actually lowers medical bills,
? Nearly across the board, there are fewer complications, side effects, and costly, unexpected medical outcomes with Chiropractic procedures.
On The other hand people need to realize where the risks lie:
- An estimated 2 billion prescriptions are written for people in the U.S. every year-earning $49 billion for the pharmaceutical industry.
- A 13-year study by the U.S. Office of Public Health found 2/3 of all over-the-counter drugs do not do what the manufacturers report.*
- 190,000 deaths per year were results of drug toxicity and 300,000 deaths (the 4th leading cause of death in the U.S.) was from hospital acquired (iatrogenic) infections. (This from the Vital Statistics Report from the National Center For Health Statistics in Washington, D.C.)
There are 8.8 million prescribed drug related hospitalizations costing $47 billion annually. 28% of hospital admissions are due to prescribed drugs side effects.**
So…Chiropractic has the lowest malpractice rate of all primary health care!! If you want real health insurance, put your trust and dollars in Chiropractic. That’s where the future of your health lies.
Your Nervous System Affects Your Health!
The brain is the master system and with the nervous system it controls every aspect of your health. The following video explains how and why it controls your health and the only health professional trained to analyze and correct this dysfunction so your body has the chance to function as close to 100% as possible.
If you would like to experience a healthier happier life, watch the video:
Overall Health and Function Improve with Chiropractic Care
Freehold Chiropractor Shares Why Your Body Needs Water
There is no better time than now to discuss why your body needs water, than while we are experiencing one of the worst heat waves in decades in the United States. Today in Freehold, NJ we are expecting a high of around 103 and boy what I would do to be sitting on the edge of the water at the beach right now, but I will be doing what I love the most today.. helping patients be healthy without the use of drugs or surgery.

Water is of major importance for our body to function and be healthy. Roughly 70% of our body is made up of water. The lungs are nearly 90% water. Lean muscle tissue contains about 75% water by weight, as is the brain; body fat contains 10% water and bone has 22% water, and about 83% of our blood is water.
Water is so important and basic to life and health. All the cells in our body are composed of water. Water is vital to dissolve so many substances by allowing our cells to use valuable nutrients, minerals, and chemicals.
Water in the blood stream is used to metabolize and transport carbohydrates and proteins our body gets from food. Equally important is the use of water to transport waste material out of our bodies to detoxify. Water also helps to protect and keep our joints moist.
Every single muscle, organ, tissue and cell in your body needs water!
Do you think it’s a coincidence that the planet also around 70% water? What happens to the planet if there is a lack of water? Look at areas that go through extended drought: The ground cracks, plants die, animal life dies.. nothing can exist.
As a freehold chiropractor, another analogy I use is that your body is like a sponge. Normally, a wet sponge is soft, bends and is elastic. It is hard to make it lose it’s shape. If you don’t use the sponge for a long time and just leave it on the counter top, it dries out and gets brittle. Try to bend that dried out sponge and it starts to tear and break. The tissues of your body are the same way. If your body gets dehydrated, the muscles, tendons and ligaments will tear, strain and sprain much more easily resulting in more aches and pains.
Reading a Tri-County Clinic of Chiropractic‘s blog today, the chiropractor stated a great point: “Think about this, the brain consists of 90% water right? If you do not get enough water to your body, your brain could not function well and that could result in a headache or migraine. So, the next time you feel fatigue and a headache, it may be a sign of dehydration so try drinking some water to relieve it.”
Unfortunately, most people DO NOT drink enough water. Your body is dehydrated, and you wonder why you feel sluggish, weak, have aches and pain, or sick all the time.
Coffee does not equal water, neither does juice, soda, alcohol, energy drinks, seltzer or other products you are consuming. Actually in many instances, these products are dehydrating you! Coffee has 70 to 80 mg of caffeine. Caffeine dehydrates your body! I have read articles that say for each cup of coffee you drink you need to drink an extra glass of water. But many of the research articles I have read say for each cup of coffee, it pulls out 4 to 8 glasses of water…. so you would have to drink 4 to 8 glasses of water to make up for EACH cup of coffee you drink.
I see many patients in Monmouth County, New Jersey from the towns of Freehold, Marlboro, Morganville, Howell, Jackson, Millstone, Colts Neck and Manalapan, NJ. One of the first things I tell patients to help improve their health is start drinking water to hydrate the body, and cut out products like coffee and other dehydrating substances. It’s amazing what one little simple thing can do to transform the health of patients.
To find out more about freehold chiropractor and other ways to improve your health and well being, give our Freehold, NJ office, Hometown Family Wellness Center, a call for a complimentary consultation.
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