Hometown Family Wellness Center

Simple Low Back Exercises to Help Relieve Pain

Statistics show that around 80% of the population suffers with back pain.  The best way to relieve back pain is chiropractic care.  Chiropractic finds the cause of the back pain.  Every treatment plan should include low back exercises.  These exercises help expedite recovery but also are great in maintaining and preventing future problems.

It’s important to stretch the tight muscles that are out of balance and improve flexibility.  The leg muscles are a key component as they are the biggest muscles that support the low back.  Once chiropractic care optimizes the range of motions and stretching brings flexibility to normal, then it is important to strengthen the supporting muscles.  Too many times people just do strengthening exercises without improving range of motion and flexibility leading to just splinting the area out of balance.

Below are 3 videos showing simple low back exercises.  It is important to note that if you experience pain while doing any of these moves to stop immediately and speak with your doctor.

First start with stretching the low back and hips:

Then stretch the legs and psoas:

Not until your pain is relieved and have balance in flexibility should you start these low back exercises that strengthen your core:

Following a proper protocol of chiropractic, stretching and low back exercises is the best way to address back pain.

One thing I stress over and over again is to keep doing this routine.  Just like you have dental hygiene, you don’t stop brushing your teeth if your teeth aren’t hurting or your dentist gives you a clean bill of health.  You keep brushing your teeth and going to the dentist periodically to maintain and prevent future problems.  A misaligned spine decays just like your teeth when not taken care of properly!  Too many times I find patients stop doing their stretching and exercises then the pain comes back.  Spinal hygiene includes continued chiropractic, stretching and exercise to help keep you pain free, enjoy your daily activities and prevent future problems.


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