Hometown Family Wellness Center

Medical Weight Loss

Medical Weight Loss

Weight loss is getting more challenging as more than 80% of the population is overweight and up to 60% are categorized as obese. Being overweight leads to many health problems including heart disease, breathing problems, diabetes, cancer, stroke and much more.

Dieting has failed the public for many reasons. It does not address the cause of the growing weight epidemic.

We live in a toxic environment. Everything you eat, breath and drink is filled with toxins. One of the ways the liver deals with toxins is to increase body fat to enfold these toxins and to protect the body from their influence. Diets are not successful for long term weight loss because they don’t address the need to cleanse the body of toxins.

Nutritional Cleansing versus Traditional Dieting

If you’re reading this page, chances are you’ve tried a traditional diet (or two…) and have failed to achieve long term success for weight loss. Traditional calorie controlled diets only focus on short-term weight loss, often produce short-term results, and/or require you to follow a restricted and unrealistic diet.

In addition, when you use a traditional diet, you are generally consuming fewer calories, but from the same nutritionally depleted food sources. So, in effect, you are getting even less nourishment than usual—which given the current state of our food, is not much in the first place. This is one reason traditional diets leave you feeling hungry—and weak.

The Isagenix nutritional cleansing and fat burning approach is very different. By expelling environmental impurities, and simultaneously replenishing your body with an optimal balance of nutrients, you are giving your body the fuel it needs to naturally return to optimal health. You should find that the superior nutrition in the Isagenix products keeps you satisfied much longer than is the case with a traditional diet meal—as well as much more energetic. And if you follow the system properly, the resulting internal balance you achieve should allow you to finally achieve your health and lifestyle goals, and maintain them. You should be able to maintain your results just as long as you keep your internal body relatively clean, and replenished with the nutrition it actually needs.

The graphic below will help illustrate some of the reasons traditional diets just don’t work in the long run… as well as the key difference introduced by the cleansing portion of our solutions based system.

Nutritional cleansing and intermittent fasting have additional benefits to weight loss. New research has indicated that fasting can significantly reduce the effects of aging on the brain. It has been known that bouts of intermittent fasting have a powerful anti-inflammatory effect on the entire body. Leading scientists now believe that intermittent fasting is one of the key strategies for maximizing brain function

Benefits of Nutritional Cleansing

Those who have used our nutritional cleansing programs often report a wide range of benefits. Some of the most common include:

Are you ready to shed pounds without the rebound?
Cleansing is a safe, healthy and natural way to achieve a healthier, leaner body.


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