Hometown Family Wellness Center

Research Shows ADHD Improves With Chiropractic Care – Freehold NJ Chiropractor

As a chiropractor in Freehold, NJ, I am constantly reviewing current research to educate my patients and the surrounding communities of the benefits of chiropractic care.   Recently I came across a study in the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics which provides new evidence linking vertebral subluxation with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

The study discusses a case of a patient who was diagnosed with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) by a general practitioner and was treated with chiropractic care.  Specifically, it seems that cervical kyphosis may be tied with the disorder.

The patient was “a 5-year-old diagnosed with ADHD and treated by a pediatrician unsuccessfully with methylphenidate (Ritalin®), Adderall and Haldol for 3 years.”

“After 27 chiropractic visits, the child’s pediatrician stated that the child no longer exhibited symptoms of ADHD.  The changes in structure and function may be related to the correction of cervical kyphosis.”

“The patient received 35 chiropractic treatments during the course of 8 weeks. A change from a 12° C2-7 kyphosis to a 32° C2-7 lordosis was observed after treatment.  During chiropractic care, the child’s facial tics resolved and his behavior vastly improved.”

Too many children today are suffering with ADD or ADHD and parents do not know where to turn.  Chiropractic has a very high success rate in helping these children and best of all, it’s a drug-free approach, so there are no side effects and the kids can many times get back to enjoying a normal, playful, lifestyle they are meant to have.

If you have a child suffering with ADD/ADHD or know somebody who has a child with this condition, please share this information.  I have been helping patients in Freehold and the surrounding communities in Monmouth County, New Jersey for the past 13 years.  There is nothing like seeing the positive changes in children suffering with ADHD when they begin chiropractic care.

For more information on Hometown Family Wellness Center and Dr. Russell Brokstein, check out our website and blog:  www.chiropractorfreehold.com

Reference:  JMPT – October 2004;27:e14.

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