Hometown Family Wellness Center

National Chiropractic Health Month Celebrated by Freehold Chiropractor

October is National Chiropractic Health Month (NCHM). Freehold Chiropractor, Dr. Russell Brokstein of Hometown Family Wellness Center will join thousands of other chiropractors nationwide in promoting
#PainFreeNation.  This is an important campaign to draw attention to the public health crisis caused by pain and the overuse of prescription painkillers.

During National Chiropractic Health Month, our Freehold Chiropractor calls for a conservative approach to pain management amid our prescription painkiller epidemic.

National Chiropractic Health Month – The Prescription PainKiller Epidemic

As part of #PainFreeNation, Dr. Brokstein will help raise awareness of how chiropractic services and other non-drug approaches to pain management can be a part of the solution to the pain crisis in the United States. He will emphasize the value of exhausting these conservative forms of treatment for both acute and chronic pain before initiating higher-risk options such as opioids.  Pain killers at best just mask the symptoms you are experiencing while at the same time subjecting your body to the addiction and harmful side effects.
“Chiropractic‟s non-drug approach is particularly relevant today in light of the rampant overuse and abuse of prescription opioid medications. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has labeled it an epidemic,‟ says Dr. Brokstein. “During National Chiropractic Health Month, the chiropractic profession encourages both patients and other health care providers to first exhaust conservative forms of pain management, when appropriate.”
The American Chiropractic Association (ACA) offers the following information about conservative pain management for the public to consider when making choices about their health care:
*A conservative health care model emphasizes more cost-effective and safer approaches over potentially addictive

Prescription Medication Vs Chiropractic… no comparison!

medications or surgery for pain management and health enhancement.
*Conservative management of a painful condition might include, for example, chiropractic adjustments combined with exercise and stretching prior to moving on to treatments involving higher risk, such as opioids.
*Chiropractors are experts in the treatment of neuromusculoskeletal problems and their natural approach can in some cases eliminate or reduce the need for drugs and surgery
*When other conditions exist, chiropractic services may complement or support medical treatment by relieving the associated musculoskeletal issues and/or pain.
*For those who are pain-free, the exercise tips, posture recommendations and guidance on injury prevention routinely provided by chiropractic physicians can help people enhance strength and avoid pain and injury in everyday life.

Our Freehold chiropractor takes an active approach to help you be more healthy, pain free and active without the use of these harmful painkillers.  Please help us make more people aware by sharing our National Chiropractic Health Month Message!

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