Hometown Family Wellness Center

Freehold NJ Chiropractor Provides Natural Relief to Headaches and Migraines Patients

Headache and migraine patients do not have to suffer with their headaches.  There is natural relief to headaches!  Unfortunately the medical route provides medications that give temporary relief and in many times sedates the patient so

How to get Natural relief to headaches!
How to get Natural relief to headaches!

much they can’t function properly.  Our approach is to find the cause of patient’s headaches, address the cause without drugs, and get the patient back to enjoying their normal daily activities as quickly as possible.  Many patients in Freehold, Marlboro, Manalapan, Howell, Colts neck, Jackson and other surrounding areas in Monmouth County NJ have found our multiple natural approach to health refreshing.

If you have missed our previous headache blog posts with some home recommendations, check out our website blogs:  Hometown Family Wellness Center.

Continuing our list of habits and dietary causes of headaches:

If I’ve said it once.. I will say it a thousand times, DEHYDRATION causes headaches, but many other health problems that occur!

Your body uses water to dissolve EVERYTHING except fats and fat-soluble vitamins.  When you don’t have water, you can’t dissolve toxins and get them out of the body.

Your blood has a high percentage of water. When your water levels are only 5% lower, your efficiency suffers by 30%.  Aim to drink half of your body weight in ounces of water.  For example, if you weigh 150 pounds, you need a minimum of 75 oz. water per day.  That’s equivalent to a little over nine 8-oz glasses water.  If you drink three in the morning when you wake up, you only have six more to go for the rest of the day.  That’s easy!  But if you’re like many people who drink coffee, the caffeine dehydrates your body!  Some research states one cup of coffee negates 4 to 8 glasses of water.

Believe it or not malnutrition is a cause of headaches.  Vitamin and mineral deficiencies cause headaches.  I’m not going to go through every one of the vitamins and mineral deficiencies that do this because you’ll rush out and try to buy them.  The problem with that thinking is that it doesn’t work. You must have balanced nutrition, a balanced amount of vitamins and minerals to make nutrients work.  A good vitamin/mineral supplement plan is important.

Many people know stress is a huge contributor to headaches.  I understand that you may be experiencing a very difficult time in your life; during difficult times, there’s a lot of stress.  For every problem, there’s a solution. Some of the top ways to beat stress are:

a.  Exercise!  When you exercise, you purposefully stress your body, teaching it how to overcome this stress.  That’s why you feel so good after exercising!

b.  Let all your frustrations be dissolved by taking a walk in the mountains or by visiting a lake or river. Go somewhere peaceful; the energy of that place will be transferred to you.

c.  Play an instrument or listen to music or sing.

d.  Some people find praying helps.

e.  Jump up and down on a rebounder and yell at the top of your lungs!  With three or four screams, you’ll notice the stress is gone.

f.  Add an extra B vitamin to your diet: pantothenic acid.  This B vitamin, which is vitamin B5, helps support the adrenal glands and makes a big difference in stress levels in three days.  Take 500 mg.

g.  Laugh belly laughs!

Finally.. so many of the foods you and many other people eat are processed.  Processed foods cause headaches by causing inflammation; the more inflammation, the more frequent you’ll have headaches.  The way that processed foods cause inflammation is by the chemicals in them called advanced glycation endproducts, or AGEs.  These AGEs are worse than free radicals, causing mini explosive reactions inside the body’s organs that lead to aging, heart disease, cancer, diabetes and inflammation.

Once you commit to not eating processed foods, your life actually becomes simpler and you end up saving money on the grocery bill.  Your lunch and dinner meals are similar: protein food (meat), grain, vegetable, and fruit for dessert.  The simpler they are, the easier they are to prepare. For example, one meal could be chicken breast, brown rice, green beans with almonds, applesauce, and beverage.

While you’re cutting out processed foods, you’ll also start to notice that you aren’t aging fast anymore. Your waistline is returning without trying. You have more energy and more concentrated brain power. And you can get natural relief to headaches !

If you would like to finally find the causes of your headaches, migraines or other type of headache, contact our office for your natural headache relief consultation so you can once again enjoy your family, friends and daily activities.  Call 732-780-0044!

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