Hometown Family Wellness Center

Do You Suffer with Headaches?

Headaches rank as the number one health complaint of people in America. 90% of men and 95% of women suffer from this ailment every year. More and more children are experiencing headaches.

People risk their health as they try to ease the headache. For example, if you take 365 aspirin a year, or 1000 in your lifetime, you double your risk of kidney disease. We spend about $2 billion each year on over the counter drug remedies. There is a better way.

Find The Headache’s Origin

On the surface, headaches seem to be either throbbing, pounding, or stabbing, and can cause you to be nauseous and sensitive to light and sounds. We call those headaches migraines. Chiropractors believe that all headaches are ultimately caused by one thing…overloading the nervous system and misalignment of the neck. Increasingly, many Medical Doctors agree, “Many headaches are caused by damage structures of the neck.”

Most people take medications, from over the counter aspirin, Tylenol, Motrin, to prescribed drugs from their Medical Doctors. More children are taking these medicines. They may give temporary relief, but the pain comes back, because they just cover up the symptoms. It’s like putting a bandaid on a cut. Not only do they just give temporary relief, but there are many side effects of these medications: stomach problems, kidney problems, and liver problems just to start. Kids develop a dependency on these medications and start eating them like they are candy. This is very bad for everybody involved.

Chiropractors find the cause of the problem and rather than just masking the symptom of pain, we correct the problem that is causing the headache, or other symptoms including back pain, neck pain, sciatica, or numbness and tingling of the arms and legs. It makes more sense to find that cause and correct it, rather then keep putting medications in our body that just make us feel better for short period of time, then the pain comes back.

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